Hey kids!! You know what I hate?? Having to install SQL Server from scratch. I always forget that it doesn't come with a local database installed. Which I will always think is strange. But the worst part is that a search for help on this issue is ridiculous! StackOverflow does not assist us in this endeavor for some reason. So I've decided to document it for posterity and myself in the future!
So here is a quick way to create your local database without additional installs of anything.
First, install an instance of SQL Server Management Studio. When its been installed, it will look like this:
Since we know this is created with nothing in it, we will create our local database first.
Open a command prompt as Administrator if you aren't the admin on your computer.
At the base prompt, type in this:
sqllocaldb create [NAME YOUR DATABASE] -s
I have named mine Digitalliv :)
You will see the database created if you have administrator permission.
Open your SQL Server Management Studio instance. In the "server Name" field, type in:
You should immediately be able to connect and see the empty server. Then you can create databases to your heart's content!!