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God Mode for Windows 10 and 11

stained glass window and hand

Hey Kids! Have you ever wondered where all the fun little settings are that you used to be able to get to in the control panel?? Me too!! So I went digging and found that there is still God Mode, but it's a bit hidden. Thanks Microsoft ....

What exactly can you do with God Mode? Well you have a lot more control over the audio/visual aspects, history, partitioning and defrag, autoplay settings, backup and restore, devices, fonts, indexing, internet options, peripherals, power options, and security and maintenance. Many options are in the control panel, but they're laid out better here, imo.

Anyways, lets go over the easiest way to get and set this mode so its easy to get to whenever you want it.

Windows 11

Step 1:

Go to your desktop

desktop view

Step 2:

Create a New folder

create new folder on desktop

Step 3:

Name said folder All Tasks.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

rename folder

Save and you'll see the folder image change to this:

final view of folder

Step 4:

Open folder and explore the options

god mode options

Windows 10

Step 1:

Go to your desktop

desktop view

Step 2:

Create a New folder

create new folder

Step 3:

Name said folder {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

rename folder

Step 4:

Open folder and explore the options

god mode options

Quick Tip:

I went into the properties of the folder and named it "God Mode" as a reminder to myself as the folder does not show a visible name like most other objects do

general name of folder

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!!

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