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Godspeed Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingsom and the Commonwealth had passed away at age 96.

She was my Queen, as I am a dual citizen of the US and Canada. As I reflect upon her life and achievements, she did some really amazing things during her rule. I hope she is remembered for the good things she has done over her 70 year reign.

She was 25 years old when she ascended the throne. 25. Can you imagine ruling a country at 25? I was barely able to wake up and make cereal for myself some days at that age 😑

Not many can aspire to being a literal Queen of a country, but aspiring to embody some of her poise and grace over the years would be do-able. I'd like to be cooler under pressure, like she was. Maybe a little less sarcastic as my initial response to ... well everything :) She did try to do good. I don't think she always succeeded, but she tried and that's more than many royals have done before her.

Thank you, Queen Elizabeth, for giving us such a steadfast role model for so long. Rest In Peace, Queen.

I have no doubt, Charles and Camilla will fuck something up. I'm still so mad Camilla, the worst kept secret mistress ever - is getting a crown. Gross.

Pass things along to William, you chode.


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