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Grief Sucks, Therapy Doesn’t. Mental Health and You

black hole of mental health

Sometimes grief can overwhelm us and feel like we’re being sucked into a black hole of nothingness. That grief can last for a very long time and hurt us in so many ways, we don't realize its happening. It can manifest and morph into the strangest things and take way so much of what we care about, including ourselves.

This website ( has some great tips on how to navigate and overcome that black hole, how to ask for help, and to know you are not alone.

I am past the age of 29 so the website above is not tailored for me, but it does have some really great information that is helpful to anyone. I recently decided that it was time for me to unpack some things I should have dealt with many moons ago. I’m seeing a therapist to just talk. It’s important to take care of yourself and let out the things that bring anger, fear, sadness, pain, grief, and depression. The longer you hold it in, the more it festers and can really hurt you and your loved ones.

Get out of your own way and take the time to talk to a professional. You can learn some startling things about yourself .... things you didn’t consider. Things that are holding you back. Learning to prioritize things in your life is a skill few of us really have. Make sure you prioritize yourself and have a dialog with someone you trust.

I do recommend that you start slow. The therapist doesn’t know you, so ease into your pain and problems. Life is hard. They know this, but they are also concerned when someone makes statements that they can’t reconcile. Be cautious while giving information initially until the therapist knows your heart and knows your feelings. Some counselors hear things that are red flags when they don't know your full story, so don't overwhelm them too early or you may end up being committed when you don't need that - you just need to reconcile some thing in your mind and need help putting the pieces together.

Also keep in mind you may need to see multiple therapists / counselors / doctors before you find the right one(s) for you. That’s ok and it’s encouraged. Don’t continue to see someone you aren’t comfortable with. Find someone you click with and feel comfortable opening up to.

thinking and talking

Medication is also a huge help to many MANY people. Do not think there is anything wrong with you if your therapist recommends medications or recommends you see a second doctor that can prescribe medications. Not all therapists can prescribe needed medications and many people see a therapist and a psychologist and that is absolutely ok. Always always do what is best for you.

There is no blueprint on how to "do life" the right way. We all have our own baggage, our own childhood traumas, our own hidden fears. None of us are doing it wrong, as long as we are trying. If you think you need help, then please get it. If your friends and family are telling you they are worried about you, maybe consider listening to them and talk to a therapist. They might be right ... or they could be wrong, but you won't know until you get a third outside opinion when you aren't directly in the moment.


A wonderful place to start is Mental Health America, where you can find local mental health professionals, crisis hotlines, and so much more.

Another great resource is Wanna Talk About It, if you are struggling with serious depression, mental health needs, abuse, self harm, or suicidal thoughts - this resource was created by Netflix.

If you are LGBTQIA+ and need resources, please go to The Trevor Project and check out their site. They have a specific area to get a counselor that can put you in touch with someone who can understand you and help with your unique needs.

If you are feeling suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's 24 hour toll-free crisis hotline, 1.800.273.TALK (1.800.273.8255) or dial 988.

If you are transgender and feeling suicidal, please contact 877-565-8860. This hotline is specifically geared to the needs of our transgender community.

You can also text "MHA" to 741-741 to speak with a trained crisis counselor at Crisis Text Line.

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