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Installing Python

Have you had issues installing Python on your Windows system? I certainly did. I've included the steps I took to install Python so I could run a Python tool locally.

Steps to update Windows for Python

Go to and install the latest stable version installer

Make sure you check the option to add to PATH during the install:

To verify python and pip were installed, open a command line window

type: python–V

type: pip-V

In each, the version should show up:

Launch your Visual Studio Installer and choose Modify:

Go to Individual Components 

Make sure you have the most recent version of your Visual Studio Build Tools:

NOTE:  You may need components from the 2015 Build Tools as well

And the most recent version of your operating system’s SDK:

Once updated, this should be all that’s needed to correctly set up your environment to use python. Let me know if you had to add extra steps to get your system up and running!


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