✔️Get all files
🔹Open solution file
🔹Set up website files
🔹update-package -reinstall for nuget
🔹Restore db’s to SQL
🔺Set up admin user in sql (owner and public)
🔺May need to run mongodb batch file, for all db’s
🔹Or can look for existing connection to mlab.com somewhere
✔️Install slow cheetah for transforms (extensions not nuget)
✔️Data folder set to right path in config
✔️Create configuration build and publish profiles
✔️Set up connection strings
✔️Setup data file in config
Add license file
✔️Add TDS properties
🔹Sitecore web url ex: http://local.existingsite/
🔹Sitecore deploy folder: C:\Websites\existingsite\website
🔹Build ouput path: .\bin\Release\
✔️Check references, verify all there
🔹May need to go into Nuget to install
🔹use Update-Package command
🔹Check lib for missing dll files
✔️Setup IIS site
✔️Rebuild indexes
Publish site fully